Program Uniforms » Program Uniforms

Program Uniforms

Program Uniforms are worn by all students on their assigned program class day.  Students will know which day this is based on their class schedule.  Program uniforms are head to toe:  Shirts, belt, pants, socks, shoes. 

The EMS program also requires a specific watch and the LE and EMS program requires all hair past ear length must be secured behind the head.  Classroom instructors will give further details when school starts. 

  • What is a Program Uniform?
A program uniform is specific to each students program class.  Every student and every grade level wears the same bottom half program uniform (belt, pants, socks, shoes). The only difference between programs is the shirt that is worn. 
  • Where do I purchase a Program Uniform?
VT will be purchasing (1) program polo for each program that a student is in yearly.  Uniform pants, belt, socks and shoes will need to be purchased separately by families. Shoes must be lace up/solid black and socks must be solid black.   VT families may purchase additional program items or standard student attire (SSA) at our VT ONLINE STORE or at their local retailers.  See PROGRAM UNIFORM FLYER for full details. 
  • What is Standard Student Attire (SSA)?

VTCTA is a Standard Student Attire  (SSA) school.  Students are required to wear clothing that falls within the SSA guidelines.  Students will wear their SSA attire on days when they DO NOT have their program class. 

  • Where do I purchase SSA?

SSA can be purchased at our VT ONLINE STORE or any retailer that has items that meets the VT SSA Guidelines: i.e.--Wal-Mart, Target, Old Navy, JC Penny's, etc.  Shirts are solid colored polos no logos, (except VT Logo) are allowed.  See SSA FLYER for full details. 

  • Is it possible to purchase a used Program Uniform?
Yes.  We normally do a Program Uniform donation day at the end of the school year.  We typically have two days during the summer that Sentinel Families can come in and shop at greatly reduced prices.  All funds from the sale are used to support our Sentinel Scholarship Program.  We will post details of dates and times as soon as we are able. 
  • How do I know which day to wear my Program Uniform or my SSA?
Students will wear their SSA on days when they DO NOT have a program class.  Students will know which day this is based on their class schedule. 
  • I have questions about jeans, hats, tights/leggings, shoes??
Further details can be found at the following link:  SCHOOL ATTIRE